

November 28, 2024

Six Early Access Starting Classes For Launch

A brief description of the six starting classes available on December 6th Early Access.

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The Classes

The Warrior

The Warrior is the traditional tanky melee class, with a focus on close combat and large weaponry. The Warrior might be your choice if you enjoy hitting adversaries with enormous two-handed maces and watching them burst in front of you.

  • Archetype(s): Two-handed Mace-wielding, Melee Tank
  • Primary Attribute: Strength
  • Difficulty: More Advanced


  1. The Titan: focuses on stuns, slams, and beefy defence. Call upon your ancestors to boost your slams. Push your enemies to the ground. Shrug off any attack.
  2. The Warbringer: This fearsome frontline fighter conjures ancestral spirits to pummel his foes and has a voice so powerful his Warcries can detonate his fallen enemies.

The Witch

The Witch likes to use death and decay as her weapons. She can use strong chaos spells to summon legions of zombie minions to battle for her.

  • Archetype(s): Summoner / Dark Mage
  • Primary Attribute: Intelligence
  • Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly


  1. The Blood Mage: Become a master of life energy. The Blood Mage uses her own life as a resource to bring destruction to her enemies.
  2. The Infernalist: Infernalist transcends the need for mana, instead building heat as she casts spells. With an Infernal hound at her side she can even turn into a demon herself.

The Ranger

The Ranger is quick and agile, and he may use a variety of elemental arrows (Fire, Cold, and Lightning) or poison-based abilities that leave the battlefield covered in deadly chemical attacksthat erupt on foes.

  • Archetype(s): Archer
  • Primary Attribute: Dexterity
  • Difficulty: Beginner-Friendly


  1. The Deadeye: This skilled shooter can defeat opponents in style. She can nock more arrows with each draw and moves as quickly as the wind.
  2. The Pathfinder: Pathfinder is an expert with poison and flasks. She has the ability to stockpile poisons to her heart's content and transform mana potions into chemical weapons.

The Sorceress

By manipulating the elements, the Sorceress can inflict destruction on her enemies. A whirlwind of elemental magic is woven by this traditional spellcaster from a distance.

  • Archetype(s): Elemental Spell Caster / Wizard
  • Primary Attribute: Intelligence
  • Difficulty: Advanced


  1. The Stormweaver: Learn to master the elements so that you can hit harder, cast faster, and shock and chill a large group of foes. Even destructive Elemental Storms can be summoned by the Stormweaver.
  2. The Chronomancer: With the use of her potent temporal magic, the Chronomancer can slow down foes, reset cooldowns, and even freeze time.

The Mercenary

The Mercenary's crossbow, which can be loaded with several types of ammunition, provides mobility, power, and adaptability. Additionally, he has the ability to combine talents to devastating effect.

  • Archetype(s): Explosive Crossbow-Wielding, Grenade-Throwing One-Man-Army
  • Primary Attribute: Dexterity/Strength
  • Difficulty: Advanced


  1. The Witchhunter: The Witchhunter's specialty is eliminating the deadliest of enemies. He is ideal for destroying spellcasters because he has additional defenses against magic and can disrupt his adversaries' focus.
  2. The Gemling Legionnaire: Embed Gems directly into your flesh to increase your skills. Compared to other classes, the Gemling Legionnaire has the most skills, and the more he utilizes, the more strong he gets.

The Monk

The Monk is a fierce melee combatant. He has mechanics that include gaining and maintaining momentum, as he rushes in and out of battle.

  • Archetype(s): Staff wielding holy warrior
  • Primary Attribute: Dexterity/Intelligence
  • Difficulty: Advanced


  1. The Invoker: The Invoker can easily control the elements and transform into an Elemental Avatar. The Invoker may wield a lot of powers without doing anything because he is also a master of the Spirit.
  2. The Acolyte of Chayula: Mastery of Spirit is traded for Darkness, a resource that may be used to both absorb and cause damage, by the Acolyte of Chayula. He exchanges elemental affinity for Chaos, drawing strength from the Breach.


To accommodate a broad range of playstyles and class fancies, Path of Exile 2 willfeature12 playable classes, each of which has three ascendancies, for a total of 36 possible combinations. Six of the playable classes are exclusive to PoE 2, while six others are based on the original Path of Exile. The design concept of PoE 2's playable classes is centered on skill combinations and integrating movement into gameplay.

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