Slams are powerful combat techniques that frequently include an area of effect element. You can't attack too often since they hit heavily. However, this also makes them the ideal archetype to pair with Warcries. Warcries are a type of boost that strengthens later abilities. Do you want to cause significant harm? Use Stampede after casting Seismic Cry to double your next slam! You can try out any of the 20 active Maces skills on the Warrior.
A number of totems are also available to the Warrior. Some of these, such as the Shockwave totem, deal foes direct harm. Use your Slam Skills for others, such as the Ancestral Warrior meta-skill. If you want a more laid-back playstyle, this is fantastic. But utilize a Shield Skill to be even more secure. You can actively block to stop all incoming damage from one direction when you have a shield equipped. Additionally, you can rush into foes that are delivering damage while using abilities like Shield Charge, which prevents incoming damage. Avoid holding your block for too long because it breaks when the bar fills and your stagger rises with each strike. Additionally, be on the lookout for red "unblockable" hits from some strong foes.
Warrior Ascendancies
There are two Ascendancy routes available to the Warrior: Titan and Warbringer. The ability of a Warbringer to change totems into spirits gives them greater latitude to attack your adversaries. While the shield is in effect, he can protect himself from harm by encasing himself in jade. Lastly, compared to other classes, the Warbringer can utilize Warcries more frequently and exlode his adversaries' bodies. Prepare to yell at your foes till they are dead!
The Titan, on the other hand, truly embraces the 2-handed weapon concept and is all about Slams. His slams cause strong aftershocks that inflict more damage on nearby adversaries. A Titan can use his huge damage boost against enemies under the effect of heavy stuns to take advantage of Crushing Impact, which makes it easier for him to stun adversaries. Keep in mind that if you choose to utilize a shield or dual-wield two-handed weapons, you must have Golem's Blood!